When having an underbody dry ice cleaned, the next step is to finish it off by removing the wheels and dry ice cleaning the wheel well openings, brake calipers and suspension components. In an underbody cleaning your suspension components can be cleaned, but only to the extent of how much they are exposed. When removing the wheels we are able to expose the wheel wells, brake calipers and suspension components giving full access to the cleaning capabilities of dry ice! Exposing the wheel wells is done with the utmost care with the use of an electric wheel lift which allows us to remove your wheels carefully and without the chance of causing them harm.
Once the wheels are removed safely, we can now remove all debris from your wheel wells. In some cases, the wheel wells may have been coated with cosmoline or undercoating. These coatings can be removed to expose the original appearance that the car was meant to have. If these coatings do not exist, the same cleaning can be completed to restore the surfaces to their original luster. With the wheel wells open, we have complete access to the suspension components. This access allows us to dry ice clean all the shocks and springs, brake calipers, lines and control arms, improving the appearance of your car and bringing back to life the intricate components that make your car stand out.
With the wheels off, you also have the option of dry ice cleaning the inner barrels and the exterior of the wheel. This removes years of brake dust, and grime including weight goo, without any abrasion that would be caused from a brush or mitt. The potential goes on and on as far as what our dry ice cleaning process can do for your car to bring it to the top level of clean!